Thomas Cook Overseas Timetable. September - October 1990. Railway, road and shipping services outside Europe. Indicateur Outremer.

von Rigby, Jennifer (u.a.):

Rigby, Jennifer (u.a.):
Verlag / Jahr
Thomas Cook Publ.; Peterborough, 1990.
Format / Einband
416 S.; Tabellen; graph. Darst.; 24 cm; kart.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Exemplar. - Englisch. - ISSN 0144-7475. - INHALT : Information ------ Editorial ------ Explanation of signs ------ How to use the timetable ------ Conversion Tables ------ Calendar ------ Index to places served ------ Thomas Cook and network members' offices ------ Climatic information ------ Travel Information ------ Plans of principal cities ------ Timetables ------ Europe ------ See Thomas Cook European Timetable ------ America ------ Canada, Greenland ------ USA ------ Mexico ------ Central America, West Indies ------ South America ------ Africa ------ North Africa ------ West Africa ------ Central and East Africa ------ Southern Africa ------ Asia ------ Near East and Turkey ------ USSR, east of Moskva ------ China and Korea ------ Pakistan ------ India, Sri Lanka ------ Bangladesh, Myanma ------ South East Asia ------ Indonesia, Borneo ------ Philippines, Taiwan ------ Japan ------ Australasia ------ Papua New Guinea ------ Australia ------ New Zealand ------ International Shipping ------ Transocean ------ Atlantic Ocean ------ Indian Ocean ------ Pacific Ocean ------ Maps. // Die Thomas Cook Group plc war ein börsennotierter Tourismuskonzern mit Sitz in London. Er entstand 2007 durch den Zusammenschluss der Thomas Cook AG mit der MyTravel Group und wurde 2019 durch Liquidation aufgelöst. ... (wiki)
Eisenbahn; Fahrplan; Touristik; Thomas Cook; Verkehrswesen; Verzeichnis
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Thomas Cook Overseas Timetable. September - October 1990. Railway, road and shipping services outside Europe. Indicateur Outremer.

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