Back to One. A Practical Guide for Psychotherapists.

von Kopp, Sheldon:

Kopp, Sheldon:
Verlag / Jahr
Science and Behavior Books; Palo Alto, 1977.
Format / Einband
165 S.; 23 cm; kart.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Ex.; Einband stw. leicht berieben. - Englisch. - Sheldon Bernard Kopp (* 29. März 1929 in New York City; † 29. März 1999 im Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, D.C.) war ein US-amerikanischer Psychotherapeut. ... Sein Lebenswerk ist von seiner psychotherapeutischen Arbeit und seiner Tätigkeit als Autor gekennzeichnet. Seine Bücher wollen die Leser zu mehr Selbstachtung ermutigen. ... (wiki) // This book is a detailed description of how I do therapy. I offer it only as a guide. These are not the ways to work. They are simply my ways of working. They need not be yours, though some may suit your own path. I offer it to encourage you to become ever clearer about the fundamentals of your own style of work. To free oneself from the bondage of attachments to its results, it is necessary to be clear about the Work. When we do not concentrate one-pointedly on the basic work, we pay attention instead to the patient's "progress," or to our own ego-bound "Look how well (or badly) I'm doing" trip. Neither path benefits the patient or the therapist. At the point of impasse, the only thing that helps is to go back to one. ... (Verlagstext) / INHALT : West Meets East ---- The Yoke That Frees ---- The Fundamental Requirement ---- Assuming the Posture ---- Beginnings and Endings ---- Changes ---- Impasses ---- Phases and Basic Interventions. ISBN 0831400552
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Back to One. A Practical Guide for Psychotherapists.

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