Old English Villages. Text by Ann Gore; Laurence Fleming.

von Perry, Clark:

Perry, Clark:
Verlag / Jahr
Guild Publishing; London, 1986.
Format / Einband
160 S.; qu.-20 cm; fadengeh. Orig.-Pappband m. illustr. OUmschl.
ca. 750 g
Gutes Ex. - Englisch. - The village has always been the centre of English country life. Clustered round a church, a pond or a green; spread round a common or along the banks of a river; huddled at the gate of a castle or manor house, there is an underlying unity that is given by the use of local materials. So we find whole villages made of one glowing stone, roofed in another; villages of half-timber and wattle and painted plaster; villages of wood, of flint, of pebbles, with roofs of thatch, or tiles, or slate, or stone. It is this that creates the feeling of harmony still to be found in many English villages, a harmony originally given by a community of purpose or awareness of a common enemy. They have lasted as long as they have because the original builders perfectly understood their materials, the ground on which they built and the people for whom they were building. Clay Perry has concentrated on finding the, as yet, unspoilt villages that, gloriously preserved, still embody the whole idea of traditional English country life. Much has been swallowed up by indiscriminate development, much has been ineradicably altered but, as can be amply seen in Old English Villages, much remains to delight the eye of the discerning traveller. (Verlagstext)
England; Dörfer; Photographie; Kulturgeschichte; Architektur
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Old English Villages. Text by Ann Gore; Laurence Fleming.

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