Fellas, the harsh chemicals in the soap you use are harming your lady! You can protect her by making the switch to plant based products.  

✔ 100% Vegan, organic, and alkaline
✔ Plant-based
✔ Balances pH levels
✔ Helps prevent BV, yeast infections and UTI's
✔ Great for sensitive skin
✔ Keeps you feeling and smelling fresh
✔ No animal testing
✔ 7 ounce bottles

1. I am Phenomenal - Chlorophyll and Spearmint
2. I am Confidence - Orange and Cedarwood
3. I am Wisdom - Patchouli and Sandalwood

I am Phenomenal benefits: Infused with chlorophyll to increase oxygen and promote a healthy blood flow. This phallus wash alleviates body odors and toxins. Also, infused with clary sage for phallus aphrodisiac health.

I am Confidence benefits: Infused with orange oil to boost optimism, natural charm, and self confidence. Reduces stress and maintains good prostate health. Keeps you fresh for up to 24 hours.

I am Wisdom benefits: Infused with patchouli, a powerful attraction oil. It stimulates sex glands, increasing libido and sexual responses. Sandalwood serves as an antioxidant that helps maintain  buoyancy and the structure of skin cells. Keeps you fresh for up to 24 hours.

Additional Ingredients: Aloe vera, alkaline water, food grade hydrogen peroxide, organic coconut oil, organic hemp oil, jojoba oil, blended essential oils, and pure love and intentions.

Allergen: Coconut oil.