Unlike most traditional pin tumbler lock cylinders, SFIC locks - Small Format Interchangeable Core - offer a few interesting challenges for locksport enthusiasts: These 7-Pin cylinders are pinned to the "A2" spec, and are often more challenging by default than a garden-variety locks thanks to tighter tolerances and multiple shear-lines.

These two distinct shear lines allow the cores to be easily removed from their housing: One is for the "Control" key (which allows the core to be removed from its housing,) and another for the "Operating" key (the normal key, if you will.) These two keys are completely distinct from one another, and their shear lines can't be mix-and-matched - so seeing one key tells you nothing about the other, and if you pick one pin stack to the control shear line and the rest to the operating shear line, nothing happens. You have to get all the pin stacks to the same shear line for the lock to function - either opening or moving the control lug. SFIC cylinders and pins also tend to have tighter tolerances than other lock types. If you've gone from a dodgy Kwikset to anything properly built, imagine going a step or two further with the required accuracy. 

Still unimpressed? I respect that, and I think I can help! If you're looking to really make these frustrating, I can pin them with Mako M2 pins: Think spooled and serrated pins, but even more extreme, and used on both the driver pins AND the key pins. It's delightfully frustrating!

Challenge Levels:

Normal - For this category, the keyways are almost always going to be the "A" keyway, (honestly because it's the least expensive and I have the most of it,) but may include any of the keyways with a fairly straightforward profile.  If you're looking for a specific keyway (A through Q) let me know and I will do my best to get it for you. Likewise, the pins will be standard SFIC pins - they are smaller than non-SFIC pins - but won't be any of the MAKO security pins, so no serrations or other mods.

Extreme - These locks will have two potential changes: 1. The inclusion of MAKO pins (spooled and serrated pins used for drivers, build up pins, and key pins.) 2. More challenging keyways, like any of the "WB" or similar profiles. I believe BEST considers them the "Premium Keyways" - basically, the very paracentric ones. (In more plain language, the ones where the "wavyness" of the keyway is quite extreme, requiring some pick-yoga to reach the pins. The "normal" ones aren't exactly straight, of course, but are much more open and aligned relative to these.) These are definitely add a bit of difficulty for anyone who has mastered other SFIC varieties. These are a little more difficult to get ahold of, so I have less variety - mainly the WB and WC flavors - but if you're looking for a specific one I am always up for trying to source them (but no promises!)
Typically I will include 1 - 2 MAKO pins in each chamber and will use a normal keyway unless specifically requested. If you want more security pins and/or one of the exotic keyways just order the Extreme variant and send me a message and I will add/use them for no additional charge.

As with everything else I make, let me know if you have any questions or special requests - I can't invoke miracles, but I will do my best to hook you up. Also, the 10-day handling time covers me in case I need to order parts, but I usually have things sent off in just a couple of days.

Happy picking!