BOLIVIA 10 CENTAVOS BACK RIGHT 1 CENTAVO BACK LEFT ON 100,000 PESOS 1984 UNC CHECK DE GERENCIA,MERCURY AT TOP LEFT,issuer name on top, document type and location/date below. face value in letters at center, in numbers at middle right and bottom left. Overprinted on right, turned 90º, with new currency value.Series:Provisional Issue,Obverse:Lettering:BANCO CENTRAL DE BOLIVIA CHEQUE DE GERENCIA DECRETO SUPREMO NO. 20272 DE 5 DE JUNIO DE 1984 La Paz, 21 de Diciembre de 1984 PAGUESE AL PORTADOR $B. 100.000,00 CIEN MIL PESOS BOLIVIANOS $B. 100.000,00(overprinted on right, turned 90º)10 CENTAVOS DE BOLIVIANO c. 10,Translation:Central Bank of Bolivia Management Check Supreme Decree # 20272 of June 5th., 1984 La Paz, December 21st., 1984 Be paid to the bearer $b. 100,000.00 One Hundred Thousand Pesos Bolivianos $b. 100,000.00 (overprinted on right, turned 90º)10 Cents of Boliviano c. 10,Reverse,Legends with terms on right top and bottom, face value in numbers on center, with guilloche behind currency symbol.Lettering:ESTE CHEQUE TIENE CIRCULACION LEGAL A NIVEL NACIONAL Y SIRVE PARA PAGO DE TRANSACCIONES PUBLICAS Y PRIVADAS $b. 100 000 TIENE VALIDEZ DE 90 DIAS CALENDARIO COMPUTABLE DESDE LA FECHA DE EMISION,Translation:This check is legal tender at national level and is valid for payment of public transactions and private.$b. 100 000,Has validity of 90 consecutive days counted from date of issue