Survivors Series 3 Books Collection Set

Author : Erin Hunter
Publisher : Willow Tree
Format : Paperback
Reading Age : 8+

Titles In This Set:

1. Survivors Book 1: The Empty City
2. Survivors Book 2: A Hidden Enemy
3. Survivors Book 3: Darkness Falls


Survivors Book 1: The Empty City
'The Empty City' begins with the Big Growl, an earthquake that leaves towns and cities in ruins and dogs without their masters. Lone Dog Lucky must find a pack in order to survive!

Now it's time for dogs to rule the world!

Survivors Book 2: A Hidden Enemy
'A Hidden Enemy' follows Lucky as his loyalties are put to the test. Will he stay loyal to his pack, or will he join a fierce pack of Wild Dogs who are ruled by a menacing half wolf called Alpha?

Now it's time for dogs to rule the world!

Survivors Book 3: Darkness Falls
Lucky has been cast out of his Pack forever. For the first time since the Big Growl, Lucky is desperate to have other dogs by his side ... but is it too late? How will Lucky survive in a world where all the rules have changed?

Now it's time for dogs to rule the world!