Experience the true flavors of Africa with our premium quality dried omena (silver cyprinid), directly imported from Kenya. Sourced from the pristine waters of Lake Victoria, our omena captures the essence of East African culinary tradition, bringing you a taste of home wherever you are.


Our omena is carefully selected and sun-dried to perfection, ensuring optimal flavor and texture. Packed with protein and essential nutrients, it's not only a delicious snack but also a healthy addition to your diet. Whether you're craving a nutritious bite or looking to infuse your African recipes with authentic flavors, our dried omena is the perfect choice.


We pride ourselves on sustainability, working closely with local fishers to support their communities and preserve the environment. Our omena is ethically sourced, allowing you to enjoy this African delicacy guilt-free.

Order now and savor the rich heritage and irresistible taste that only our dried omena can provide. Join the vibrant community of Africans who have made our omena their go to choice for a truly authentic culinary experience.