
1)The Baby Sleep Guide:
Sleep. It’s the most precious commodity, especially when you’re struggling to find it. The secret to helping babies to sleep through the night is understanding their sleep cycles and natural rhythms. This book provides simple and easy techniques to help you establish positive sleep habits early on that will pay dividends in the long term. It guides you through different sleep teaching approaches so you can find a healthy balance that works for you and your baby. Designed to be deliberately concise to find information at a glance, The Baby Sleep Guide offers clear solutions to ensure a good night’s sleep for everyone.

2)Pregnancy for Dads-to-Be:
Your partner is pregnant, and by now you’re undoubtedly experiencing the element of fear that every dad-to-be feels upon learning a new baby is on the way. Well, sir, it’s time to embrace this fear and tackle parenthood and the pregnancy process head-on!

Packed with information, tips, and advice, from the development of your baby month by month to how to help your partner throughout the birth—Pregnancy for Dads-to-Be is a jargon-free, easy read that will help you understand what to expect during pregnancy and how to plan for the weeks ahead. The breakdown of advice will include

3)The New Parents' Survival Guide: The First Three Months:
No matter how much you long for and plan for a baby, no one is quite prepared for the impact their new arrival has on their life. Babies have a habit of not behaving the way the textbooks say they should; this book tells you what you can REALLY expect in the first three months. The New Parents’ Survival Guide is packed with practical advice and bite-sized tips on how to deal with common problems you are likely to encounter, including how to:

Title in this set:
1)The Baby Sleep Guide:
Format : Paperback
Language : English
Publisher :Vie 
ISBN - 10 - 1849536856
ISBN - 13 - 978-1849536851
ISBN - 13 - 9781849536851

2) Pregnancy for Dads-to-Be
Format : Paperback
Language : English
Publisher : Skyhorse Publishing
ISBN - 10 - 1510717072
ISBN - 13 - 978-1510717077
ISBN - 13 - 978-1510717077

3)The New Parents' Survival Guide:
Format : Paperback
Language : English
Publisher : Vie
ISBN - 10 - 1849537151
ISBN - 13 - 978-1849537155
ISBN - 13 - 978-1849537155.
UNIT A -B-02