Epistolography, Literary Circles and Family Ties in Late Roman Gaul. [From: Transactions of the American Philological Association, Vol. 111, 1981].

von Mathisen, Ralph Whitney:

Mathisen, Ralph Whitney:
Verlag / Jahr
Format / Einband
Reprint, stapled. p. 95-109.
ca. 550 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of the ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - With dedication of the author. - Author's name underlined, otherwise good and clean. - From the text: During the century between A.D. 420 and 520, Gallo-Roman aristocrats indulged extensively in the composition of literary works in general and personal letters in particular: some 475 letters written by some 45 Gauls are still extant from this period.1 In spite of this widespread popularity of epistolography, however, past scholarship has tended to place heavy emphasis on the letters of Sidonius Apollinaris alone, and to give short shrift to the letters of other writers, with the result that patterns of correspondence common to several of the Gallic epistolographers have remained unnoticed.2 In this study, an analysis of the correspondence, and related works, of several Gallic authors of this time will indicate that one’s close literary ties tended to be with one’s relatives, whether by blood or by marriage, and that literary and family circles tended to overlap. It will be possible, furthermore, to specify with a greater exactitude the particular degrees of relationship among several of the most famous and influential of the Gallic writers of the period.
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Epistolography, Literary Circles and Family Ties in Late Roman Gaul. [From: Transactions of the American Philological Association, Vol. 111, 1981].

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