Nostalgia: A Psychoanalytic Study of Marcel Proust

von Miller, Milton L.:

Miller, Milton L.:
1. Auflage
Verlag / Jahr
The Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1956.
Format / Einband
Gebundene Ausgabe 318 Seiten
ca. 782 g
Fresh and clean hardcover copy in good condition. Frisches und sauberes Hardcover-Exemplar in gutem Zustand. Contents: Foreword - Biographical Data - Swann's Way - Within a Budding Grove - The Guermantes Way - Cities of the Plane - Captive - The Sweet Cheat Gone - The Past Recaptured - Comparison of Remembrance of Things Past with Thomas Hardy’s The Well-Beloved - Symbolism - Marcel Proust and Sigmund Freud - Proust’s Homosexuality: Probable Contributing - Factors and How They Are Expressed in His Work - Neurotic Components of Proust’s Asthma - Themes of Remembrance of Things Past Compared with the Theoretical Deductions of Thomas M. French’s Integration of Behavior - How Memory Functions during Psychoanalysis - The Use of Dreams in Proust’s Novel - Some Preliminary Conclusions: Unconscious Insight Conveyed by Symbolic Patterns - appendix a - Some Illustrations of Unconscious Insight in Proust’s Earlier Work - appendix b - Further Theoretical Comments Regarding Proust's Symbolism - bibliography - index
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Nostalgia: A Psychoanalytic Study of Marcel Proust

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