Structure and Process of Political Identity: Ide, a policy of the Metchum Valley (Cameroon). (Dissertation). Anthropology / University of Pennsylvania; 1978. University Microfilms International.

von Masquelier, Bertrand Michel:

Masquelier, Bertrand Michel:
Format / Einband
XIII; 378 Seiten; graph. Darst.; 20 cm; kart.
ca. 750 g
Gutes Exemplar; leichte Gebrauchs- und Lagerspuren; geringe Bleistift-Anstreichungen / aus der Bibliothek von Dr. H. J. Koloß / Völkerkundemuseum Berlin. - Englisch. - This is an authorized facsimile printed by microfilm / xerography on acid-free paper in 1986 by UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS INTERNATIONAL Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A. / London, England. (Impressum). - INHALT : 1. THE POLITICAL ANTHROPOLOGY OF THE METCHUM VALLEY . . ----- Theoretical Relsvance Beba and Befang People: The Metchum ----- Valley Revisited The Linguistic Evidence The Research Setting ----- 2. POLITICAL HISTORY AND POLITICAL ----- ECOLOGY OF THE METCHUM VALLEY . ----- Folk Perception and Past Political History: The Precolonial Period Ide and Aku ----- Relations Between Ide and Esimbi Relations Between Ide, Beuta, ----- and Muntung ----- Relations Between Ide and Befang Political Ecology: The Aghera and the Polities in the Valley ----- The Nature of Aghera Domination Muntung, Beuta (Twe) and the ----- Aghem ----- Bangwi and the Aghem Befang and the Aghem Ide and the Aghem Conclusion ----- 3. IDE AS A POLITY: IDEOLOGY, MORALITY AND POLITICAL IDENTITY . ----- The Constitution of Ide: Background Political Identity and Social Structure ----- Morality Within and Without: The Ideology of Political Identity ----- Innu: Prohibition Against Murder Tsa: Permissible Killing and Inter-Polity Relations ----- Morality Within: The Community of Suffering ----- Ku-fufu: The Ideology of Anti-Social Action Daytime Gift-Giving: The Norm of ----- Social Relations Conclusion ----- 4. THE UKWO MODE OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ORGANIZATION . . ----- The Principle of Agnatic Unity and Hierarchy ----- Bweteuseu as a Genealogical ----- Category Bweteuseu as an Ideological ----- Category Kupwo: The Principle of Common ----- Residence ----- The Ukwo as Corporate Group Land Estate River and Streams Ritual Knowledge and Constitutional ----- Power People Conclusion ----- 5. UKWO: A DEVELOPMENTAL PERSPECTIVE ----- Marriage Within the Ukwo Village: The Structural Implication of a Cultural Premise ----- Symmetrical Alliance and the ----- Transfer of Rights Symmetrical Alliance from the ----- 1900's on ----- Marriage and Village Solidarity Fission and Solidarity: The ----- Hunting Lodge ----- Village Organization: A Developmental Perspective ----- Umekwo Village Ipfaka Village ----- Patterns of Solidarity Between ----- Wards ----- The Patricluster Within the Ward Bwoza in Ipfaka Bwensa in Umbekwo Structure and Process in a ----- Patricluster Ukwo: A Developmental Model ----- MATRILINEAGE, MATRICLAN AND THE POLITICAL FIELD . ----- The Structure of the Indeu Beuteu Matrigroups ----- The Indeu Beuteu Matricentric ----- Family ----- Matrilineage and Matriclan Residence and the Matrigroup Solidarity Among Matrikinsmen Matrigroups and Politics Conclusion ----- MARRIAGE: MARKING BOUNDARIES OF POLITICAL COMMUNITIES . ----- Th'i Two Forms of Marriage ----- The Beunene (Primary) Marriage Gifts, Services and Payments Breaking the Transaction: ----- Kiguo Beunene Marriage and the ----- Transfer of Rights Mother's Brother, Sister's Son ----- and the Beunene Marriage The Nyanyi (Secondary) Marriage Nyanyi Within the Polity Nyanyi Between Polities Beunene and Nyanyi Marriages: ----- Some Statistical Estimates Marriage, Political Solidarity and ----- Political Community Marriage Boundaries and Political ----- Boundaries ----- (u.v.a.)
Afrika / Kamerun; Geschichte; Politik; Kultur; Völkerkunde
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Structure and Process of Political Identity: Ide, a policy of the Metchum Valley (Cameroon). (Dissertation).

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