Audience-Oriented Criticism and the Classics: Introduction and Selected Bibliography. [From: Arethusa, Vol. 19, no. 2, Fall 1986].

von Pedrick, Victoria and Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz:

Pedrick, Victoria and Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz:
Verlag / Jahr
Baltimore (MD): Johns Hopkins University, 1986.
Format / Einband
Reprint, stapled. p.105-114.
ca. 550 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of the ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - With dedication by the author V. Pedrick. - An impeccable copy. - From the text: In the lively discussion following the 1984 APA panel on audience-oriented criticism at which these papers were presented, members of the audience raised two general questions about this type of criticism. First, what precisely is “audience-oriented criticism” and what is its relationship to “reader-response criticism?” Second, what is so radical about this kind of criticism? Haven’t classicists been using it all along? This introduction addresses both questions. As Peter Rabinowitz points out in his essay in this volume, the types of criticism we are concerned with share an object of study, not a methodology, and since some of its extreme versions are inextricably linked with the term “reader-response,” we have chosen the term “audience-oriented,” a less loaded expression, and one that more accurately reflects the extent of this new field of inquiry. Reader- or audience-oriented criticism allows for a wide variety of approaches, each of which focuses attention on the audience rather than on the author and his/her motivations to write, or on the text as a self-contained and static entity.'
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Audience-Oriented Criticism and the Classics: Introduction and Selected Bibliography. [From: Arethusa, Vol. 19, no. 2, Fall 1986].

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