Brain Memory Learning: A Neurologist's View.

von Russell, W. Ritchie:

Russell, W. Ritchie:
1st Edition.
Verlag / Jahr
Oxford : At the Clarendon Press., 1959.
Format / Einband
Original cloth with dustjacket. Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag. Ill. ; 140 p.
ca. 550 g
Small abrasions on the dustjacket. Otherwise good and clean. - Einband berieben. Sonst gut und sauber. - The author is a physician who has for thirty years been engaged in research on the effects of head injury. The physical and 'mental' consequences of concussion were an early interest, and later, during World War II, the effects of small wounds of the brain were studied in many hundreds of soldiers. The traumatic amnesias, the focal fits which cause hallucinations, and phantom limbs have received special attention, and in these pages he weaves this clinical experience into the latest knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the neurones of the brain. In so doing it will be generally agreed that he has clarified a number of problems, and has discussed suggestions regarding function which will interest many.
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Brain Memory Learning: A Neurologist's View.

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