A Tomb of the Neo-Elamite Period at Arjan, near Behbahan. [From: Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, Bd. 18, 1985].

von Alizadeh, Abbas:

Alizadeh, Abbas:
Verlag / Jahr
Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 1985.
Format / Einband
Sonderdruck, Klebebindung in Kartoneinband. pp. 49-73, 9 fig., 1 Farbtafel, 5 s/w-Tafeln
ca. 550 g
From the library of Prof. Dr. Wolfram Kleiss, long-time director of the Tehran branch of the German Archaeological Institute. - With dedication by the author. - A pristine copy. - From the text: In the fall of 1982, when a bulldozer was leveling earth for dam construction on the river of Marun, a hole appeared in the ground that soon after proved to contain some important archaeological remains. The site is situated about ten kilometers north of the city of Behbahan, in the province of Khuzestan, and lies very close to the left bank of the river Marun, in the northern outskirts of Arjan, a site known from Islamic geographers and modern surveys to be an important Sasanian town. - Wikipedia: Abbas Alizadeh (* 1951) received his B.A. in art and archaeology of ancient Iran from the Department of Archaeology of Tehran University in 1975, and his M.A. in 1982 from the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations of the University of Chicago. In 1988 he received his Ph.D. with high honors from the same department. The title of his doctoral thesis is “Mobile Pastoralism and the Development of Complex societies in Highland Iran.” In the following year, his thesis won the Best Dissertation Award from the Center for Iranian Studies.
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A Tomb of the Neo-Elamite Period at Arjan, near Behbahan. [From: Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, Bd. 18, 1985].

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