Coolaudio V3102D Clock Generator for Analog Delay Lines (DIL-8)

The Coolaudio V3102 (a replacement for the MN3102) is a low output impedance two-phase clock generator. It is ideal for clocking BBD analog delay devices such as the Coolaudio V3207, V3208, and V3205.

Package: DIL-8 (Dual Inline, 8 pin)
Coolaudio V3102D in DIL-8 Package

✔ RoHS Compliant

Compatible* Replacement Parts

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Cabintech Global LLC is an authorized distributor of Coolaudio, ALFA RPAR, Xvive, and other manufacturers.

(*) Products listed as "Compatible" have the same circuit functionality as this product. However they may have some variation in electrical characteristics - check datasheets to verify compatibility in your circuit design. Some may also have different physical packaging requiring adapters or PCB design changes.