Kunkumadi Thailam by Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala

Pack Size : 10ml

Description :

Kunkumadi tailam ayurvedic massage oil.
Improves skin complexion and texture.
Relieves blemishes, acne, acne scars, white and black heads, dark circle, sun tans, wrinkles.
It is a good face massage oil.
It has both cleansing and nourishing effect on skin.
It has anti aging qualities.

Composition :
Kunuma 1.563g

Usira 1.250g

Kaliya 1.563g

Laksha 1.563g

Yashtyahva 1.563g

Chandana 1.250g

Nyagrodhapada 1.250g

Padmaka 1.250g

Padmakesara 1.250g

Nilotpala 1.250g

Manjishta 1.563g

Pattanga 0.313g

Ajakshira 20.000ml

Taila 10.000ml

Usage :
Take just 3 -5 drops of the oil into your hands, apply a light coat of it evenly onto the face or to the acne area.
Do a gentle massage with your fingers.
Leave it for 10 – 20 minutes.
Wash off with hot water.
It can be used for 2 – 3 times in a day, continuously for a week. After that, it can be used once daily.