Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Volume 44, Number 1,1996 Anna Freud Centenary Issue

von Richards, Arnold D. (Ed.) et al.:

Richards, Arnold D. (Ed.) et al.:
Verlag / Jahr
International Universities Press, 1996.
Format / Einband
brosch. Seite 1-360
ca. 550 g
Sauberes und frisches Exemplar in sehr gutem Zustand. Contents - Anna Freud's Life and Biography - Albert J. Solnit - Outcome and Predictors in Child Analysis - Peter Fonagy and Mary Target - Children's Developing Theory of Mind - Linda C. Mayes, Donald J. Cohen - Language, Communication, and Transference in Child Analysis: I. Selective Mutism: The Medium is the Message; II. Is Child Analysis Really Analysis? - Judith A. Yanof - Neurosis in Childhood and in Psychoanalysis: A Developmental Reformulation - Phyllis Tyson - The Transference and the Zone of Proximal Development - Arnold Wilson, Lissa Weinstein - The Role of the Testicles in Male Psychological Development - Robert M. Friedman - Some Contemporary Psychoanalytic Constructions of Art - Donald Kuspit - The Impact of Psychoanalysis on Creativity - Eugene Mahon - In The Shadow of Moloch: The Sacrifice of Children and its Impact on Western Religions - W. W. Meissner
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Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Volume 44, Number 1,1996

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