Innovation in Education. Lessons from pioneers around the world - Photographs by Romain Staros Staropoli.

von Leadbeater, Charles:

Leadbeater, Charles:
Verlag / Jahr
Bloomsbury Publishing., 2012.
Format / Einband
27,1 x 2,0 x 24,1 cm, Originalhardcover mit Schutzumschlag / with dust jacket. 159 S. / p. , Abb
ca. 1193 g
sehr guter Zustand / very good condition - Innovation can cut through the inertia that envelops many school systems by mobilising three key ingredients: the rising hopes and expectations of millions of parents and children; mounting frustration with the shortcomings of traditional models of education; and a commitment to develop new and more effective solutions. When these three - hope, frustration and experimentation - come together in the right way they can produce radical innovation that delivers much better outcomes for families, at affordable costs and on a large scale. Understanding where that kind of innovation comes from is the purpose of this book. -- Innovation in Education: Lessons from Pioneers around the World is not a scientific, academic study of innovation. Nor is it a set of cookie-cutter recipes for people to follow.The focus is on the work of 16 pioneers around the world who have developed new and more effective approaches to education that work at scale. These pioneers are almost all drawn from applicants for awards from the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) in 2009 and 2010. By tracing the story of how these pioneering innovations came about, developed, spread and acquired scale we hope to raise awareness of why innovation in education is needed, where it comes from and how more can be generated. ISBN 9789992194416
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