68000 User Guide.

von Fleetwood, Lionel:

Fleetwood, Lionel:
Verlag / Jahr
Sigma Press; Wilmslow, 1985.
Format / Einband
182 S.; graph. Darst.; 21 cm; kart.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Exemplar; Einband stw. leicht nachgedunkelt; Rückdeckel m. kl. Preisschild. - Englisch. - Der Motorola 68000 ist ein 1979 eingeführter CISC-Prozessor aus der 68000er-Familie von Motorola (später Freescale, heute NXP). Er besitzt intern 32-Bit-Register, einen mit 32 Bit adressierten linearen Adressraum, davon 24 Bit extern verfügbar, acht 32-Bit-Datenregister, neun 32-Bit-Adressregister, ein 16-Bit-Statusregister sowie einen 16-Bit-Datenbus. ... (wiki) // Take your next step in personal Computing. Lionel Fleetwood writes in a pleasant, easy-to-understand way, even with a topic as complex as the 68000 processor. The 68000, and its derivatives, is fast-becoming a populär device used in the Sinclair QL and Apple Macintosh Computers. It has a 32-bit address bus, 32-bit data and address registers and a dock that runs at speeds of up to 12.5 MHz. With that kind of specification, demand for 68000 programmers is set for explosive growth-so now is the time to learn as much as you can, as quickly as you can, about this processor. If you have some knowledge of a high level language, such as BASIC, you'll soon settle down with this expertly-written book. It gives you a firm grounding in assembly language programming and shows you how to apply your knowledge to real-world projects. … (Verlagstext) // INHALT : ... Stacks, Registers and Modes ----- Stack Handling ----- Labile memory - the stack ----- Interrupts ----- Reentrant code ----- Linking ----- The Status Register ----- The Condition Code Register ----- - The carry bit ----- Processor Modes ----- Supervisor mode ----- User mode ----- Moving Around ----- Moving Data ----- Variations on Move ----- Block Moves ----- Subroutines ----- Transfer of Control ----- When do we need to transfer? ----- Why use subroutines ----- Simulating high level languages ----- DO WHILE ----- REPEAT UNTIL ----- FORNEXT ----- Comparisons ----- AKeySearch ----- Writing Subroutines ----- Subroutines ----- Parameter Passing ----- Eratosthenes and Prime Numbers ----- Register and Arithmetic Verbs ----- Using registers ----- Converting an ASCII String to BCD ----- Converting BCD to ASCII ----- ABubbleSort ----- Binary Coded Decimal Arithmetic ----- sbcd and subx ----- Adding and Subtracting in Binary ----- Multiplying and Dividing ----- More arithmetic ----- (u.v.a.) ISBN 1850580014
Prozessor 68000; User Guide / Gebrauchsanweisung; 1985; Geschichte; Computer
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EUR 43,00
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