The International Review of Psycho-Analysis. 1991. Volume 18. Part 2.

von Tuckett, David und Thomas T.S. Hayley (Ed.):

Tuckett, David und Thomas T.S. Hayley (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
London: Inst. of Psycho-Analysis, 1991.
Format / Einband
Broschiert. S. 133 - 320.
ca. 1550 g
Gebraucht, aber gut erhalten. - ISSN 0020-7578. - JOSEPH SANDLER, ANNA URSULA DREHER and SIBYLLE DREWS - An approach to conceptual research in psychoanalysis illustrated by a consideration of psychic trauma - ANA-MARIA RIZZUTO et al. - Sigmund Freud: the secrets of nature and the nature of secrets - ANNE E. THOMPSON - Freud's pessimism, the death instinct, and the theme of disintegration in 'Analysis terminable and interminable' - RITA V. FRANKIEL - A note on Freud's inattention to the negative oedipal in Little Hans - STUART S. ASCH - The Influencing Machine and the mad scientist: the influence of contemporary culture on the evolution of a basic delusion - DONALD J. COHEN - Tourette's syndrome: a model disorder for integrating psychoanalysis and biological perspectives - MICHAEL G. MORAN - Chaos theory and psychoanalysis - DAVID MEGHNAGI - Jewish humour on psychoanalysis - O. KITAYAMA - The wounded caretaker and guilt - JOSE RALLO and ANGELES DE MIGUEL - The ' cession' of a child, potentially leading to an ' alteration of the ego' - JANE VAN BUREN - The psychoanalytic semiosis of absence or, the semiotic murder of the mother - EDWIN R. WALLACE - Psychoanalytic perspectives on religion - BOOK REVIEWS - Charles Darwin: A New Biography. By John Bowlby. (Reviewed by John Padel) - Two Patterns of Rationality in Freud's Writings. By Steven E. Goldberg. - (Reviewed by Donald P. Spence) - Psychoanalysis and Psychosis. Edited by Ann-Louise S. Silver. (Reviewed by - Glen O. Gabbard) - Supportive Therapy. By Lawrence H. Rockland. (Reviewed by Jonathan E. Kolb) - Who Killed Virginia Woolf? By Alma Halbert Bond. (Reviewed by Jay Martin) - Suicide: Understanding and Responding. Harvard Medical School Perspectives. - Edited by Douglas Jacobs and Herbert M. Brown (Reviewed by - Herbert Hendin) - Productive and Unproductive Depresssion. By Emmy Gut. (Reviewed by - Thomas M. Sonn) - The Ability to Mourn: Disillusionment and the Origins of Psychoanalysis. - By Peter Homans. (Reviewed by Joseph Reppen) - The Mourning-Liberation Process. 2 Volumes. By George H. Pollock. (Reviewed - by Stanley W. Jackson) - The Problem of Loss and Mourning. Edited by David R. Detrick and - Peter C. Shabad. (Reviewed by Melvin Ross) - A Safe Place: Laying the Groundwork of Psychotherapy. By Leston Havens. - (Reviewed by Leo Sadow) - The Art of Unknowing. By Stephen Kurtz. (Reviewed by B. M. Robertson) - Learning and Education: Psychoanalytic Perspectives. Emotions and Behavior. - No. 6. Edited by Kay Field et al. (Reviewed by Judith Aronson) - Freud at the Crossroads. By Alexander Grinstein. (Reviewed by Harry Trosman) - The Path Not Taken. Reflections on Power and Fear. By Allen Wheelis. - (Reviewed by Warren S. Poland)
Journal of Psychoanalysis, Zeitschrift
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The International Review of Psycho-Analysis. 1991. Volume 18. Part 2.

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