Martianus Capella (Münchener Beitrage zur Mediävistik und Renaissance-Forschung 10). A literary re-evaluation.

von LeMoine, Fanny:

LeMoine, Fanny:
Verlag / Jahr
München: Arbeo-Gesellschaft., 1972.
Format / Einband
Laminierte Broschur / Laminated Paperback. IX, 245 S. / p.
ca. 550 g
Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langjährigem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) - Sehr guter Zustand / Very good condition - Inhaltverzeichnis / Contents: Chapter One . Introduction: A Search for Method -- 1. The Text -- 2. A Literary Canon or Model for Comparison -- 3. The Author and Work in Historical Perspective -- 4. The Work as Judged by Its Audience -- Chapter Two . A Search for Harmony -- I. Introduction -- A. Egersimon -- B. First Scene on the Lower Stage -- II. Fabula: Mythos -- A. Book One of the Myth -- B. Book Two of the Myth -- III. Interlude: Second Scene on the Lower Stage -- IV. Fabula: Latin Arts -- V. Intermezzo: Scene Three on the Lower Stage -- VI. Fabula - Greek Arts. Geometria and Arithmetica VII. Digression and Fourth Interlude on the Lower Stage VIII. Fabula - Greek Arts. Astronomia and Harmonia -- IX. Conclusion -- A. Coemesin -- B. The Fifth and Final Scene of the Play on the Lower Stage. ISBN 9783920128092
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Martianus Capella  (Münchener Beitrage zur Mediävistik und Renaissance-Forschung 10).

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