Greek Scepticism: Anti-Realist Trends in Ancient Thought (MCGILL-QUEEN'S STUDIES IN THE HISTORY OF IDEAS).

von Groarke, Leo A.:

Groarke, Leo A.:
Verlag / Jahr
McGill-Queen's University Press., 01.10.1990.
Format / Einband
15,9 x 2,5 x 23,5 cm, Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag / Cloth with dust jacket. XV., 176 Seiten / p.
ca. 455 g
Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langjährigem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - altersgemäß sehr guter Zustand / very good condition for its age - The idea that Western philosophy is a footnote to Plato is simplistic and inaccurate. Much of modern and contemporary epistemology owes a debt not so much to Platonism or Aristotelianism as to their antithesis: scepticism. Recent discussions in the history of philosophy have sparked a great deal of interest in the ancient sceptics, but until now they have been misunderstood and the significance of their philosophy not fully appreciated. In Greek Scepticism, Leo Groarke presents a more sympathetic and accurate account of Greek scepticism and its relevance to modern and contemporary thought. -- Contents -- I Toward a New Interpretation of the Sceptics -- The Negative Side of Scepticism / Standard Criticisms of the Sceptics / The Positive Side of Scepticism: Mitigated Scepticism / Moral and Religious Scepticism / Scepticism as Anti-Realism / Scepticism and Idealism I Contemporary Anti-Realism I Historiography and the Sceptics -- II Greek Epistemology before the Rise of Scepticism Xenophanes I Heracleitus / Epicharmus I Parmenides / Zeno I Empedocles I Anaxagoras / Summary -- III The Rise of Scepticism -- The Sophists I Democritus: Atomism, Idealism, and Equanimity I Protagoras: Utility and Anti-Realist Truth I Metrodorus and Anaxarchus: Idealism and Equanimity I Socrates: Mitigated Scepticism I The Megarians I Monimus and Cynic Indifference / The Cyrenaics: External Objects and Other Minds / Plato I The -- Rise of Scepticism -- IV Early Pyrrhonism -- The Arguments for Early Pyrrhonism / Pyrrhonism as a Practical Philosophy I Equanimity and Indifference / Appearances I Pyrrhonism and Idealism / The Consistency of Early Pyrrhonism / Toward Later Pyrrhonism -- V Scepticism in the Academy -- The Arguments for Academic Scepticism / Academic Arguments, Probability, and Equal Opposition / Academic Equanimity I Arcesilaus and Natural Belief I The Consistency of Arcesilaus’ Outlook / Arcesilaus and Sextus I Carneades and Plausibility / Cicero on the Plausible I The Consistency of Carneades’ Scepticism / Carneades, Arcesilaus, and Pyrrho I Philo, Metrodorus, and Cicero -- VI Later Pyrrhonism -- The Arguments for Later Pyrrhonism / The Problem of the Criterion / Practical Affairs I The Consistency of Later Pyrrhonism I Pyrrhonean Anti-Realism I The Standard Interpretations -- VII Ancient Scepticism and Modern Epistemology -- Mental States / Contemporary Anti-Realism / The Sceptical Perspective. ISBN 9780773507562
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Greek Scepticism: Anti-Realist Trends in Ancient Thought (MCGILL-QUEEN'S STUDIES IN THE HISTORY OF IDEAS).

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