Jugs of the North-Syrian/Cilician and Levantine Painted Wares from the Middle Bronze II Royal Tombs at Ebla. [From: Anatolia and the Ancient Near East]. Studies in Honor of Tahsin Özgüc.

von Matthiae, Paolo :

Matthiae, Paolo :
Verlag / Jahr
Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi, 1989.
Format / Einband
Reprint, stapled. pp.303-313, 7 fig., 6 pl.
ca. 550 g
From the estate of Dr. Jutta Börker-Klähn (1942-2019), private lecturer in Ancient Oriental Studies at the universities of Berlin, Würzburg and Hamburg. - A good and clean copy. - From the text: In the rock layer, which slightly emerges over the surface level of the town, in the west region of the Lower Town at Ebla, the first tombs of the royal necropolis of Middle Bronze II were identified in 1978. In the same year we excavated completely the “Tomb of the Princess”, the smallest and most ancient burial of the three hypogea thus far discovered, which communicate with one another, and we started the exploration of the most important burial of the complex, the “Tomb of the Lord of the goats”, whose excavation was completed in 1979. The three tombs were sealed by the floors of the Western Palace in Area Q. The inner structure of the burials, which had independent entrance shafts, leads us to believe that, as concerns the relative chronology, the “Tomb of the Princess” is the most ancient one. - Wikipedia: Paolo Matthiae (Roma, 9 gennaio 1940) è un archeologo, accademico e orientalista italiano.
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EUR 13,00
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Jugs of the North-Syrian/Cilician and Levantine Painted Wares from the Middle Bronze II Royal Tombs at Ebla. [From: Anatolia and the Ancient Near East].

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