Cicero: De Oratore Book III.

von Mankin, David (ed.):

Mankin, David (ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Format / Einband
Paperback. XI, 346 p.
ca. 477 g
Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langjährigem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Einband leicht berieben, kleiner Fleck auf Fußschnitt, sonst sehr guter Zustand / binding slightly rubbed, small stain on bottom edge, otherwise very good condition. - Cicero’s De Oratore is one of the masterpieces of Latin prose. A literary dialogue in the Greek tradition, it was written in 55 bc in the midst of political turmoil at Rome, but reports a discussion ‘concerning the (ideal) orator’ that supposedly took place in 91 bc, just before an earlier crisis. Cicero features eminent orators and statesmen of the past as participants in this discussion, presenting competing views on many topics. This edition of Book III is the first since 1893 to provide a Latin text and full introduction and commentary in English. It is intended to help advanced students and others interested in Roman literature to comprehend the grammar and appreciate the stylistic nuances of Cicero’s Latin, to trace the historical, literary, and theoretical background of the topics addressed, and to interpret Book III in relation to the rest of De Oratore and to Cicero’s other works. / CONTENTS Preface Abbreviations Introduction 1 Cicero and De oratore (a) Circumstances of composition (b) The ‘ideal orator’ (c) Crassus’speech (3.19-227) 2 Literary and historical background (a) The dialogue form (b) The historical background (c) Setting and dialog! personae 3 Theoretical background (a) The ‘schism’ between oratory and philosophy (b) Technical and philosophical rhetoric 4 Style and rhythm (a) Word choice and periodic structure (b) Prose rhythm 5 The text M. TVLLI CICERONIS DE ORATORE LIBER III Commentary Appendix 1 Supplementary texts Appendix 2 oratio Appendix 3 loci, loci communes Appendix 4 Outline of De oratore 3 References Indexes 1 Latin words 2 General 3 Rhetorical terms. ISBN 9780521596572
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