Push your way through this crowd. Hurry up and come to me, Mr. Right !

von Ichihara, Hiroko:

Ichihara, Hiroko:
Verlag / Jahr
Japan: sanshusha.co., 1999.
Format / Einband
Originalhardcover mit Schutzumschlag. unpaginiert, Abb.
ca. 550 g
sehr guter Zustand - For postscript -- Yoshitsugu Mori - Curator, Takamatsu Museum of Art -- Hiroko Ichihara, when you create your work do you first listen to the sounds of the words you use or do you have the image of the words in your mind? The reason I'm asking you this is not because I want to classify your work to determine whether your work is a writing or visual art, but rather because I'm wondering which type of <word> you are depicting in your work. -- When letters are written as a word, besides its meaning, it also has a visual <shape>. For instance, while the contents and meanings of words are significant in a treatise, the shapes of words are more important in commercial design. The meanings of the words you use in your works are all very easy to understand. You take words from everyday life that are personal, or that give us the impression that they are personal, and express them in a straightforward way. The words you use are not copywritings, but they do have strong impact and a sense of closeness, as well as being humorous. On the other hand, the form in which the phrases in your works are drawn is in an ordinary Japanese language; vertical column of kanji (Chinese characters) and Japanese alphabet with punctuation marks. The layout of the words is simple; bold, Gothic type, black letters on a white background. In other words, your aim is to not give too much uniqueness to the shapes of the words. Now, this collection of your works has been printed as a book, but they were originally drawn on canvases and on the walls of galleries. So, why was it necessary for you to depict the shapes of the words in these certain <frames>? Obviously, the frames do not serve to show that your works are works of <art>. So, the question is why?
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Push your way through this crowd. Hurry up and come to me, Mr. Right !

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