The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review. Volume 7. No. 2. 1984

von Zachrisson, Anders (Ed.) u.a.:

Zachrisson, Anders (Ed.) u.a.:
Verlag / Jahr
Munksgaard; Copenhagen, 1984.
Format / Einband
Broschiert. 109 - 242 S.
ca. 550 g
Frisches und sauberes Exemplar in sehr gutem Zustand. Contents - Andras Pöstenyi - Some reflections on interpretation, holding and psychoanalysis as a science - Veikko Tähkä - Psychoanalytic treatment as a developmental continuum: considerations of disturbed structuralization and phase-specific encounter - Anne-Marie Sandler - On interpretation and holding - Small group discussion introductory papers - Margit Bellman - Some aspects of Holding - Interpretation in Child Psychoanalysis - Marta Henricson-Cullberg - God as Holding Function - a religious conversaion - Bengt Herulf - the killing of the mother - Marianne Lerner - on interpretation and holding: alternative or complement? John Vitger - On Holding - Irene Matthis - Containing the Unbound, Liberating the Bound
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The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review. Volume 7. No. 2. 1984

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