The first compilation of the full career of Angel Corpus Christi, from 45s to major labels, from 1984 to now. Avant-garde or traditional pop auteur? There's no one quite like ACC in the pop firmament and the sooner the world wakes up to that fact, the better. One could do worse than start with this career-long compilation, from her 1984 debut to recent stuff, mixing idiosyncratic covers and minimalist, left-field, ultra-catchy pop. The songs feature guest stars Alan Vega (Suicide), Dean Wareham (Luna/Galaxie 500) and Sonic Boom (Spacemen 3/Spectrum) along the way. There's nowhere near enough accordion in rock n' roll as I'm sure you'll agree when you get a load of these hair-raising harmonics. Liner notes by Lindsay Hutton.
01. Pull Girl
02. Dream Baby Dream
03. Big Black Cloud
04. Are You A Boy Or Are You A Girl?
05. Ruff Tuff Cream Puff
06. Femme Fatale
07. Sadder
08. Lou Reed's Hair
09. Home Sweet Home
10. Louie Louie
11.Face In The Crowd
12. Baby Elephant