The Orations of Demosthenes: Pronounced to excite The Athenians against Philip, King of Macedon. Translated by Thomas Leland. Complete in One Volume.

von Demosthenes and Thomas Leland:

Demosthenes and Thomas Leland:
Verlag / Jahr
London; Baynes and Son; G. Cowie; Smith, Elder and Co; J. Parker, Oxford / (u.a.), 1825.
Format / Einband
519 S.; 22 cm; fadengeh. Halblederband.
ca. 650 g
Gutes, stabiles Exemplar; Einband berieben; Seiten stw. leicht fleckig; Schmutztitel mit kl. hs. Besitzvermerk. - Englisch. - Demosthenes (* 384 v. Chr.; † 322 v. Chr. in Kalaureia) war einer der bedeutendsten griechischen Redner (Rhetoren). Nach dem Philokratesfrieden des Jahres 346 v. Chr. stieg er zum führenden Staatsmann Athens auf. Diese Position konnte er bis zur Harpalosaffäre 324 v. Chr. behaupten. ... (wiki) // INHALT : PREFACE. ----- The First Oration of Demosthenes against Philip. ----- The First Olynthiac Oration. ----- The Second Olynthiac Oration. ----- The Third Olynthiac Oration. ----- The Oration on the Peace. ----- The Seventh Oration against Philip, commonly called the Second. ----- The Oration on the State of the Chersonesus. ----- The Tenth Oration against Philip, commonly called the Third. ----- The Eleventh Oration against Philip, commonly called the Fourth. ----- Philip's Letter to the Athenians. ----- The Twelfth Oration against Philip, commonly called the Oration on the Letter. ----- Conclusion. ----- Preface to the Orations of Demosthenes on Occasions of Public Deliberation. ----- The Oration on the Classes. ----- The Oration for the Megalopolitans. ----- The Oration for the Liberty of the Rhodians. ----- The Oration on the Regulation of the State. ----- The Oration on the Halonesus. ----- The Oration on the Treaty with Alexander. ----- The Oration of Dinarchus against Demosthenes. ----- Account of the Exile and Death of Demosthenes. ----- The Oration of Aeschines on the Crown. ----- The Oration of Demosthenes on the Crown. // Thomas Leland (1722–1785) was an Irish Anglican priest, a historian, translator and academic and the author of the early gothic novel Longsword, Earl of Salisbury: An Historical Romance, published in 1762. Longsword is set in Gascony and in England, during the reign of Henry III of England. ... (wiki; engl.)
Demosthenes; Englische Ausgabe 1825; Thomas Leland; Antike; Altertum; Literaturwissenschaft; Rhetorik; Geschichte
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The Orations of Demosthenes: Pronounced to excite The Athenians against Philip, King of Macedon. Translated by Thomas Leland. Complete in One Volume.

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