Touching. Body Therapy and Depth Psychologie.

von NcNeely, Deldon Anne:

NcNeely, Deldon Anne:
Verlag / Jahr
Inner City Books, 1987.
Format / Einband
125 S.; 22 cm; kart.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Ex.; geringe Gebrauchsspuren; Seiten minimal gebräunt. - Englisch. - Deldon Anne McNeely, Ph.D., is a Jungian analyst and body therapist who practices in Lynchburg, Virginia. ... / Both depth psychology and body therapy attempt, in different ways, to establish a dialogue between consciousness and the unconscious. Depth psychology - including traditional psychoanalytic therapies and Jung's analytical psychology - has from the beginning focused on the mind. In body therapy the emphasis is on the somatic expression of emotional problems or complexes. Touching illustrates how these disciplines, both concerned with restoring life to an ailing human psyche, may be integrated in practice. This is a unique book, dealing with connection, relatedness, Eros, the healing power of touch-through both mind and body. These creation-oriented, life-giving, traditionally feminine values, often overshadowed or devalued in Western culture, are here given their due. / INHALT : Contents: ---- Physiological Origins of Depth Psychology ---- Body Therapy in Historical Perspective ---- The Contributions of Dance Movement ---- Body Therapy and Jungian Typology ---- The Meaning of Touch ---- Body Therapy and Dream Interpretation ---- Touching and Analytic Training ---- Gratification in Psychotherapy ---- Touch- and Transference. ISBN 0919123295
Körpertherapie / Tiefenpsychologie
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