Knowledge, Virtue and the Path to Wisdom: The Unexamined Aristotelianism of John of Salisbury's Metalogicon. [From: Mediaeval Studies, Vol. 51, 1989].

von Nederman, Cary J.:

Nederman, Cary J.:
Verlag / Jahr
Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1989.
Format / Einband
Reprint, stapled. pp. 268-286.
ca. 550 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of the ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - "=BCT 1989 (1992) no. 34" handwritten on cover, otherwise good and very clean. - From the text: Although he could never be construed as a scholastic, there was probably no philosopher of the Middle Ages more devoted to Aristotle and his teachings than the mid-twelfth century churchman John of Salisbury. Admittedly, John knew far less of the Aristotelian corpus than would St. Thomas Aquinas a century later. But the elements of Aristotle’s thought with which John was familiar, culled from those treatises available to him (Categories, De interpretatione, Topicsand Posterior and Prior Analytics), and gleaned from intermediaries like Cicero and Boethius, made a singular impression upon him. Certainly, Aristotle exercised an important, albeit subtle, influence in John’s Policraticus and his letters. But it is in the Metalogicon, a survey of assorted issues in educational theory and speculative philosophy, that John gives freest reign to his sentiments about Aristotle.
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Knowledge, Virtue and the Path to Wisdom: The Unexamined Aristotelianism of John of Salisbury's Metalogicon. [From: Mediaeval Studies, Vol. 51, 1989].

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