Marinus A. Wes: Classics in Russia 1700-1855: Between Two Bronze Horsemen. Leiden 1992. [Review from: Scholia, N.S., Vol.5, 1996].

von Calder III, William M.:

Calder III, William M.:
Verlag / Jahr
Durban: University of Natal, 1996.
Format / Einband
Reprint, stapled, folded lengthwise. pp. 148-150, suppl.
ca. 550 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of the ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - With dedication by the reviewer. - Suppl.: Six-figure gift from Humboldt Awardee, Magazin Humboldt Kosmos, Bd. 80, 2002, 1 page. - Reviewer's name handwritten on cover, otherwise clean. - From the text: The author, a distinguished ancient historian and Wissenschafishistoriker, is one of the very few western classical scholars who really controls Russian. I do not mean that he can read Russian books He can also read unpublished eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Russian documents; that is. he controls and can exploit archival material. His book on early Rostovtzeff is not only of permanent value because of the unique information it therefore contains It is written in English prose that often exceeds what one finds in native speakers. This book, an English translation with expanded documentation of an earlier (1991) Dutch original, is more Rezeptionsgeschichte than Wissenschaftsgeschichte. - Wikipedia: William Musgrave Calder III (* 3. September 1932 in Brooklyn, New York) ist ein US-amerikanischer Klassischer Philologe. Sein Spezialgebiet ist die Geschichte der Altertumswissenschaften.
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EUR 13,00
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Marinus A. Wes: Classics in Russia 1700-1855: Between Two Bronze Horsemen. Leiden 1992. [Review from: Scholia, N.S., Vol.5, 1996].

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