Salamis: The Greatest Battle of the Ancient World, 480BC

von Strauss, Barry:

Strauss, Barry:
Verlag / Jahr
Hutchinson, 2004.
Format / Einband
Hardcover with dj. 364 Seiten, mit Abbildungen,
ca. 635 g
Sehr guter Zustand / very good condition. On a September morning in 480BC, as dawn broke over a channel separating mainland Greece from the nearby island of Salamis, nearly half a million people waited apprehensively on two shores. Camped on the mainland was the invading Persian Army, a formidable force from the world’s reigning empire. On Salamis, 100,000 refugees from Greece with only a few thousand infantrymen to protect them were all that stood between Xerxes, the King of Persia, and conquest. A war, which had raged for twenty bloody years had reached crisis point. The Persians had invaded Greece and taken half of it. The Greeks stood poised to strike back, but with only 370 ships facing an armada of almost 700 Persian vessels, the odds were not good. Greece and Persia represented two great civilisations; both ambitious, militarised and shrewd. Break the Persian fleet and Athens could win the power and wealth to finance a golden age; fail and classical Greece would lose its lustre, culture and unique institutions which would shape the history of the world. The epic battle of Salamis provides a dramatic insight into the military arts of intelligence, strategy, bluff and counter-bluff. Barry Strauss’s radical new interpretation is related through the individual stories of twelve extraordinary characters - from Xerxes himself and Queen Artemisia, (one of history’s few female naval Commanders) to the Athenian admiral, Themistocles, and Hermotimus, the eunuch. ISBN 9780091795047
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Salamis: The Greatest Battle of the Ancient World, 480BC

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