"Every Valley Shall Be Exalted": The Discourse of Opposites in Twelfth-Century Thought.

von Bouchard, Constance Brittain:

Bouchard, Constance Brittain:
Verlag / Jahr
Ithaca, London: Cornell University Press, 2003.
Format / Einband
Hardcover with dust jacket. XI, 171 p.
ca. 405 g
Lediglich der Schutzumschlag am Buchrücken lichtbedingt leicht ausgeblichen, sonst ein sehr gutes Exemplar ohne Anstreichungen / only the dust jacket slightly faded at the spine, otherwise a very good copy without markings. - In high medieval France, men and women saw the world around them as the product of tensions between opposites. Imbued with a Christian culture in which a penniless preacher was also the King of Kings and the last were expected to be first, twelfth-century thinkers brought order to their lives through the creation of opposing categories. In a highly original work, Constance Brittain Bouchard examines this poorly understood component of twelfthcentury thought, one responsible, in her view, for the fundamental strangeness of that culture to modern thinking. Scholars have long recognized that dialectical reasoning was the basic approach to philosophical, legal, and theological matters in the High Middle Ages. Bouchard argues that this way of thinking and categorizing—which she terms a “discourse of opposites”—permeated all aspects of medieval thought. She rejects suggestions that it was the result of imprecision and provides evidence that people of that era sought not to reconcile opposing categories but rather to maintain them. Bouchard scrutinizes the medieval use of opposites in five broad areas: scholasticism, romance, legal disputes, conversion, and the construction of gender. Drawing on research in a series of previously unedited charters and the earliest glossa manuscripts, she demonstrates that this method of constructing reality was a constitutive element of the thought of the period. / Contents Preface List of Abbreviations Introduction CHAPTER ONE Scholasticism: "The Last Shall Be First " CHAPTER TWO Romance and Epic: "Honor Abandoned Because of Love " CHAPTER THREE Conversion: "A Poor Man from a Rich Man " CHAPTER FOUR Conflict Resolution: "He Humbly Delivered Himself to Justice " CHAPTER FIVE Gender: "Male and Female Created He Them " Conclusion Appendix Manuscripts Cited Selected Bibliography Index. ISBN 9780801440588
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"Every Valley Shall Be Exalted": The Discourse of Opposites in Twelfth-Century Thought.

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