Shadows in the Firelight A Selection of Cameroon Folk Tales

von Mbunwe-Samba, Patrick:

Mbunwe-Samba, Patrick:
Verlag / Jahr
Patrick Mbunwe-Samba - Bamenda, Cameroon, 1996.
Format / Einband
, Broschiert 83 S.
ca. 179 g
Fresh and clean copy in good condition. Includes private dedication postcard. Frisches und sauberes Exemplar in gutem Zustand. Inklusive privater Widmungspostkarte. Contents - Author’s Note - Acknowledgements - The Stories - 1 Cheche the Baby-minder (Wimbum) - 2 A Greedy Son reformed (Wimbum) - 3 The Origin of Elephants (Bum) - 4 Good Magic and Bad Neighbours (Nse, Nso’) - 5 The Origin of Monkeys (Nso’) - 6 Wanyeeto’, the cunning Farmer (Nso’) - 7 The Tale of Wan Shang (Nso’) - 8 The Men who sought for Death (Nooni, Nso’) - 9 An Appointment with Death (Bamum) - 10 Death and Mankind: a darker view (Bamum) - 11 Tortoise and Monkey (Bamum) - 12 The Lake God (Oku), Version 1 - 13 The Lake God (Oku), Version 2 - 14 The Disobedient Child (Babanki Tunggo) - 15 Cheongelum the Bachelor (Bambili) - 16 The Lion and the Monkey (Bambili) - 17 The Grindstone of Njenka (Bali-Nyonga) - 18 The Origin of Tad-Kon (Meta’) - 19 A Difficult Choice (Nggwo/Oshie of Momo Division) - 20 A Thief reformed (Babaju, Bamileke) - 21 Sense-Pass-King (Batcham, Bamileke) - 22 The Feast in the Sky (Bangwa-Fontem) - 23 A Secret Weapon (Mbo) - 24 Why Cats and Rats are Enemies (Banyang) - 25 Tortoise and Pig (Bakossi) - 26 Why Animals do not trust each other (Cross River) - 27 Sun, Moon and Darkness (Anyang, Upper Cross River Basin) - 28 Why there are Different Races on Earth (Ejagham) - 29 The Wise Chief of Isangele (Isangele, Ndian) - 30 The Beauty of Dipundu (Nggolo-Batanga) - 31 The Jealous Maidservant (Bakweri) - 32 Mania, or Disobedience (Bakweri) - A Selected Bibliography
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