Human Behavior and Social Processes. An Interactionist Approach.

von Rose, Arnold M.:

Rose, Arnold M.:
Verlag / Jahr
Routledge + Kegen Paul, 1971.
Format / Einband
XV; 680 S.; 21,5 cm; kart.
ca. 700 g
Ex. mit Gebrauchsspuren; Anstreichungen; Seiten minimal gebräunt. - Englisch. - HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL PROCESSES EDITED BY ARNOLD M. ROSE AN OPEN UNIVERSITY SET TEXT 'The aim of this volume is to give a comprehensive account of the nature and applications of "symbolic interaction theory". It offers a rich and varied fare and may be wholeheartedly recommended to sociologists. With unusual coherence and unity it throws much fresh light on many and varied perennial themes, and few readers will fail to be stimulated.' - Sociological Review There is much of value in this book. All the contributions contain some material of value and the best of them are shot through with acute and insightful observations which set familiar social situations in a novel light and suggest new trains of thought.' -British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. … (Verlagstext) / INHALT : PART ONE --- Theory for Social Psychology --- A Systematic Summary of Symbolic Interaction Theory --- Arnold M. Rose --- Role-Taking: Process Versus Conformity --- Ralph H. Turner --- Conditions of Accurate Role-Taking: A Test of Mead's Theory --- Sheldon Stryker --- Transformations of Identity --- Anselm Strauss --- Appearance and the Self --- Gregory P. Stone --- What Other? --- Everett C. Hughes --- Reference Groups and Social Control --- Tamotsu Shibutani --- Breadth of Perspective --- Leon H. Warshay --- PART TWO --- The Individual and Social Organization --- Society as Symbolic Interaction --- Herbert Blunter --- (u.v.a.) ISBN 0710072023
Verhalten; Psychologie; Sozialwissenschaft
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Human Behavior and Social Processes. An Interactionist Approach.

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