Sitting in the back of the bus. South African post-apartheid opinions. South Africa 1998.

von Schrempp, Alexander and Michael Wilhelm:

Schrempp, Alexander and Michael Wilhelm:
Verlag / Jahr
Stuttgart: Merz Galerie, 1998.
Format / Einband
Mit zahlr. auch farb. Abb. Originalbroschur. 149 S. plus Audio-CD.
ca. 550 g
Einband leicht berieben. - Reflecting on my past -- Making a deep impression -- Looking back SOUTH AFRICA'S HISTORY -- People as different as night and day THE SOUTH AFRICAN POPULATION -- The farm is the best place WILHELM AND SUSAN BOCK -- I also have the right to live here LUKAS MC DOWELL -- We had a hard and sad life NOBANTU AND SOLELWA MDEDELWA -- The reason why I never threw stones.. TANIA SABOR -- The black man does not take.. SANDILE MGIDLANA | ELLIOT NOMBAYEKA -- You can take them out of the bushes.. ERNST DU PLESSIS -- Focus on the economic problems CHRIS THURLY | MQUANI BONGANI -- Dealing with the atrocities of the past THE TRUTH AND RECONCILATION COMISSION -- Having listened to the people CONCLUSION -- Chronology -- Songs: Special Star, Mango Groove -- Township Jive. Ladysmith Black Mambazo -- Tswanang le yena Mbongeni Ngema -- Taken for a moment. Mango Groove -- Unity. Mbongeni Ngema. -- Homeless. Ladysmith Black Mambazo.
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Sitting in the back of the bus. South African post-apartheid opinions.

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