Fire and Water: A Theme of Salvation in the Parodos of Aristophanes' Lysistrata.

von Faraone, Christopher A.:

Faraone, Christopher A.:
Verlag / Jahr
Format / Einband
Typoscript, stapled 43 p., 5 fig.
ca. 550 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of the ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - A clean copy. - From the text: The separate entrances of the male and female semi-choruses in Aristophanes' Lysistrata are marked by an unusual bit of stagecraft whose importance to the general theme of the play — the salvation of Athens — has never been fully appreciated. The old men enter the stage at line 254 each carrying a pair of olive-wood logs, a vine torch and a small pot of live embers. Having heard that a group of women have taken control of the Acropolis, they come on stage intent on burning down the gates of the citadel and removing the women, whom they liken to a notorious enemy of Athens: the Spartan general Cleomenes who occupied the citadel in 510. The men pile their logs before the closed gate, ignite their torches in the hot coals and then try to set fire to the logs (lines 307-11). But after a few minutes of hilarious bumbling their plans are foiled by the sudden appearance of a second half-chorus of old women who rush in with waterjars on their shoulders or in their hands; these women threaten the men and then finally — with an invocation of Achelous — douse them and their fire (381-82), thus effectively ending the threat of incineration. - Wikipedia: Christopher A. Faraone (* 1955) ist ein US-amerikanischer Gräzist.
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Fire and Water: A Theme of Salvation in the Parodos of Aristophanes' Lysistrata.

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