DHC Raw Placenta Hard Capsule 20 Days 2 Bag Set


Placenta containing various nutritional components. The power of “raw” for beauty, health and vitality!
"Raw Placenta Hard Capsule" is a supplement that uses "raw" placenta extracted by DHC's unique manufacturing method that has established safety.
In addition to [placenta extract] 250mg*, the popular [lactic acid bacteria + yeast] 100 trillion* are blended to support the beauty and health aspects that are becoming more worrisome with age.
By making it a hard capsule, we have achieved an affordable price.
*Per recommended daily intake

Abundant nutritional ingredients contained in the placenta
Placenta is an important organ "placenta" in nurturing new life. It is a beauty ingredient that is said to have been loved by beautiful women who have left their names in history, fascinated by its ability to maintain beauty and youthfulness.
It contains many useful ingredients including growth factors and essential amino acids.
However, many of the placenta supplements on the market lose many of their useful ingredients due to heat treatment to kill viruses and bacteria.
Therefore, DHC has developed a supplement that uses raw placenta using a unique manufacturing method that has established safety.
"Raw" placenta that achieves both quality and safety is a special material that can only be realized by DHC.
Provided by HARU