3 Beautiful Kashmiri Paper Mache Floral Christmas Bauble 
Decoration Balls Gift
 Assorted  Kashmiri Paper Mache Floral Christmas Bauble / Decoration Balls Set of 3 Gift

Three colorful hangings in the shape of a ball come together to form a beautiful set which sways across your home and lends its flowery charm to your living space. The balls are crafted in a fun mix of colors and within the realms of Kashmiri Paper Mache, which is an ancient craft. The art form uses the remnants of waste paper to create luxurious pieces of home decor. This is achieved by hands of gold, the unsung heroes of the soil who work skillfully for this transformation to take place.

 Best for gifting

Christmas decor 

Lovely Handpainted Bells
Note: Colors and designs might vary depending upon availability