*DY26A is designed to locate leaks in pressure and vacuum system.
*It can be used to detect and locate the source of the ultrasound emission generated by gas or liquid flowing through a small restrictive opening.
*lt uses the advanced ultrasound sensing technique and features small size, light weight; reliable detection, easy use and utility.
*Sense pressurized leaks, detects electrical arcing, and finds falling solenoids, valves and bearings.
*Comes with a transmitter that emits an ultrasound frequency to help locate leaaks that are not pressurized. Enough to emit frequencies the detector can pick up.(Only DY26)
*Detects any pressurized leaking gas, including chlorofluorocarbon(CFCs), hydrofluorocarbon(HFCs), nitrogen(Ni), carbon dioxide(CO2) and steam.
Alarm Indication: The "LEAK" LED lights and the "ticking tone" increases in frequency.
Frequency Response: 40kHz ± 2kHz
Operating Condition: temperature: 0°C - 40°C
Relative humidity: <80%
Battery: 9V, 6F22 or equivalent
Size: 171*43*38mm
Weight: about 240g

Packing list:
1* Ultrasound Leak Location Determine Meter

1.There are many factors involved in the ultrasound leak detection, such as the pressure within the vessel under test, hole shape, hole size, temperature etc. In some cases, the ultrasound sound caused by leak is very weak, so you should set The DY26A's sensitivity to the highest level at the beginning of leak detection.
2. If the detected ultrasound sound is too intense so that it is impossible to pinpoint the leak because the" ticking tone" is too high in frequency, you should decrease the sensitivity with the sensitivity knob.
3. In noisy environments, you can decrease the sensitivity appropriately to exclude the disturbance caused by noise.
4.When DY26A detects ultrasound sound, move its probe around the suspected leak to determine whether the detected ultrasound sound is from the suspected leak or from other areas.
5.Because ultrasound sound attenuates rapidly when it travels over distance, move the probe of DY26A as close as possible to the suspected leak, remember to decrease the sensitivity if necessary. During location, move the probe slowly.

Dear friends, the following is the difference between DY26 and DY26A
DY26 is suitable for testing leaks in confined spaces.
1. Put the transmitter DY26-T into a closed container to be tested.
2. Adjust the sensitivity of the receiver's DY26-R (you can adjust the sensitivity to the maximum at the beginning), and then hold the receiver DY26-R to slowly move along the measured object and listen to the sound from the headphones.
3. The closer to the point of the leak, the louder the headphones. (At this time you can adjust the sensitivity appropriately)

DY26A is suitable for various leaks and has a 420mm probe.
1. Adjust the sensitivity of DY26A, hold DY26A slowly moving around the measured object,
2. The closer to the point of the leak, the louder the sound from the headphones.

If you are still not sure which one is better, you can consult the seller. Leave me a message. I will reply you as soon as possible.

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