Samurai armor, Edo period.

Samurai armor, Edo period. Composed of: a bib - do, a plate skirt - kusazuri, leggings - a haidate plate skirt, sections of which could be tied around the hips, forming a kind of trouser leg, knee pads - tate-oge, leggings - suneate, shoulder pads - sode, bracers - kote, mittens - tekko (half-mittens) - as a rule, it was a plate (often in the form of a stylized palm), which is part of the kote and covers the back of the hand, the helmet is kabuto, the visor is the headband - mabizashi, the contour is koshimaki, a wide plate running along the lower edge of the helmet , back of the neck - shikoro, decoration - date, mask - mengu, on the chin (protection of the throat) - yodere-kake. The Edo period (jap. 江戸時代 edo-jidai) is a historical period (1603-1868) of Japan, the period of the rule of the Tokugawa clan. It began with the appointment of Tokugawa Ieyasu as shogun in 1603. It ended with the removal of the shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu in 1868. It is characterized as the time of the establishment of the Tokugawa dictatorship, simultaneously with the transition from medieval civil strife to a completely controlled country. During the Edo period, the formation of the Japanese spirit, the birth of the national Japanese idea, the development of the economy and bureaucracy took place. The Edo period is the golden age of literature and Japanese poetry, Matsuo Basho is the most prominent representative of both the poetry of the Edo period and Japanese poetry in general. As a result of the sakoku self-isolation policy, the country was behind the iron curtain for almost the entire Edo period,
Condition: Good
Material: Metal, Textile
Product sizes: Height - 177cm
width - 60cm
Location:  Latvia
Warranty: Seller Warranty
Country: Japan
Period: 19th century