SALE RRP £335.


Atom SWIFT -50X faster than regular dosimeters!

DOSIMETER / RADIATION DETECTOR  ATOM SWIFT 5*5*30 radiation on the Scintillator for smartphones and tablets, Bluetooth-dosimeter.

The best performance:
Radiation sensor comprises a crystal of Caesium iodide activated by thallium, and solid-state photo-electron multiplier.

Atom Fast with the Scintillator CsI 5*5*30 Crystal Radiation Detector Dosimeter with bluetooth for smartphones and tablets.
The dosimeter contains NO hazardous and NO radioactive materials. Dosimeter dispose is completely safe for humans, animals and the environment!
Weight of the device is not more than 20 g!

Radiation sensor comprises a crystal of Caesium iodide activated by thallium, and solid-state photo-electron multiplier.
Atom Swift  one of fastest dosimeter in the world! There are no competitors for this device. 
It provides speedy measurements in approx 25 times quicker then the top-dosimeters based on Geiger Muller SBM20 or other.

Atom Swiftt dosimeter can work on a single battery  not less than 100 days on the battery CR2032 
Atom Swift dosimetry atom has no equal competitors in scope to refine the measurement result at any point in the range of dose rates available to a reasonable accuracy as long as the required experimental conditions.
Atom Swift device have no equal in speed of reaction to changes in dose rate.

Atom Swift has no equal competitors in terms of user-friendly interface. Atom dosimeter works in conjunction with smartphones and tablets through a special application.
Applications to our dosimeters can be used by people poorly versed in the subject. 
On the Apps screen in excess of digital and visual information to make a rapid assessment of the situation without any special knowledge.
Atom Fast leadership in this area is easy to check in GooglePlay & AppStore among similar applications.

You can download the App without purchasing the device & test it in Demo-mode. Download Android Atom Swift app or Atomnext app.
In iOS Atom Radiometer app (Apple app is limited in functions due to Apple politics)

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Dosimeter Atom Swift (hereinafter - the dosimeter) is designed for the rapid assessment of the radiation situation on the ground, radiation safety control of buildings, premises, vehicles, various objects and materials, detection and localization of sources of ionizing radiation in the home and at work, use in a physical experiment and physical demonstrations , X-ray radiation detection, environmental studies.

The dosimeter is a miniature device comprising an ionizing radiation detector (scintillation detector: cesium iodide crystal size 5 * 5 * 30 mm with a solid state photomultiplier), electronic circuitry necessary for its operation, accelerometer, air interface standard Bluetooth 4.0 and a lithium battery CR2032 size. For processing, storage and display of incoming sensor data is used built-in microcomputer, and after data transfer over the radio interface for processing, storage and display information using smart phone or tablet computer running iOS or Android operating system running special applications available for free download in AppStore or Google Play. There are several applications for Atom Swift are functional. For Android is an application Atom Swift (written with a space) and AtomNext (write without spaces). "Dosimeter Atom" for iOS is an application. Capability of the dosimeter with a lot of different applications. For information about applications, refer to corresponding descriptions on additional site.

The dosimeter contains no  hazardous and radioactive materials, and dispose of the dosimeter are safe for humans, animals and the environment.

The connection between the dosimeter and the smartphone or tablet computer is maintained by radio Bluetooth 4.0 standard, with the loss of communication device operates autonomously as an alarm with adjustable alarm limits. The data on accumulated over time due to lack of dose stored in the dosimeter and sent to the smartphone or tablet computer at the resumption of communication. The value accumulated dose counter - the only information that is stored in the internal memory of the dosimeter offline. In communication with one smartphone or tablet computer can hold a lot of dosimeters Atom.

The instrument used modern energy saving technology, but it should be noted that the frequent use of the chime and a low ambient air temperature significantly reduce the duration of continuous operation of the battery. By reducing the battery charge level is below 10% dosimeter will signal this one long and three short beeps, repeated once per minute. In this case, it is recommended to replace a new battery.

Specifications Atom Swift:

Work scintillation detector size 5 * 5 * 30 mm.

Energy range of detected photon radiation - at least 40 - 3000 keV

The maximum counting speed of at least 10,000 pulses / sec.

Detector sensitivity to gamma radiation background spectrum - 1700 cpm / mR (47 pulses / second at mSv / h), to gamma radiation cesium-137 1200 cpm / mR (33 pulses / second at mSv / h).

Anisotropy of the sensitivity of Cs137 - no more than 30%.

battery - Lithium, CR2032.

Hours from a fresh battery in natural background radiation without using the chime at least 3 months, at the disconnected wireless interface Bluetooth 4.0 - no less than 6 months.

Operating temperature range from -40 to +40 degrees C. When the temperature rises above 40 degrees C the device will alert the user about this two-tone sound siren repeated once per minute. With further increase in temperature the correct operation of the device is not guaranteed.

Overall dimensions 53 * 50 * 12 mm.

Weight of the device is not more than 20 g.


Dosimeter Atom Swift

battery CR2032


Precautions and preparation for work

Before working with a dosimeter, make sure there is no damage of the dosimeter housing. The dosimeter is not sealed device does not use the appliance under rain or sleet, if necessary measurements protect the device from ingress of water. If water is spilled on or inside the dosimeter, remove the battery and allow to dry thoroughly before the next use. If necessary, keep liquids radiation inspection device at a distance of 1-2 cm from the liquid surface, if necessary, use a plastic bag to avoid contamination of the surface of the dosimeter. Do not subject the monitor to strong shocks and squeezing. When moving from cold to warm room to measurements do not proceed until the surface of the device is present condensed moisture.When contamination of the dosimeter wipe the unit with a soft dry cloth.

Protect the unit from strong magnetic and electric fields, static electricity discharges.

Do not try to disassemble and repair the unit, when a fault is detected, contact our service center. Remember that any attempt at repair could void your warranty for the dosimeter.

Operation. Enabling device

To turn on the dosimeter insert the supplied battery. A short beep and turn on the dosimeter.Turn on bluetooth settings used for your smartphone or tablet.

Install the application using the links:

for iOs

for All Android 

or by entering in a string search for "dosimeter atom" in the AppStore or by entering «AtomNext» or « : Atom Swift " on Google Play, respectively. Appendix AtomNext for experienced users. Run the application. After a few seconds, the application will detect all are confident in the communication area included dosimeters and give the user the ability to choose which device to operate at the moment. During the linking process dosimeter will emit a double beep, when the loss of connection - single long beep.


Modes of the dosimeter

Your dosimeter with an application on a smartphone / tablet may operate in two basic modes - search and measurement. Operating mode selection is performed from within the application.Consider the operation of the device in each of them.


Search mode

Search mode of the dosimeter is characterized by fast response to changes in the radiation situation, the measurement accuracy is reduced. In the natural background radiation 0.1 mSv / h (10 mR / hr) during a complete changing information does not exceed a few seconds. Work in the search mode is recommended when rapid survey areas, buildings, building materials, vehicles for radioactive contamination. Display search mode is implemented in the form of a graph, histogram, or simulate pointer instrument. Data from the search mode can be used by some applications for replenishment of archives and reference to the map of the area.


Measuring mode

In the measuring mode the dosimeter continuously refines the dose rate by displaying information on the statistical error in the measurement of the current session. A new session can be started at any time by pressing the reset button on the screen, all the information about the previous session will be deleted. The measurement mode suited to the detection of inactive objects by comparing the dose rate in the vicinity of the inspected object with the natural background radiation away from it, as well as the need to obtain high accuracy result. To obtain the correct result will not change the position of the instrument during the measurement session.The margin of error decreases with time square, keep in mind that to achieve twice the precision you need four times more time.

Additional Features

We are constantly working to improve and production applications with additional options, allows you to save on your smartphone / tablet data: archives dose rate radiation activity tag on the area map.


Settings and sounds

The application allows the user to select it convenient for the units, the type and properties of the scale, the threshold is over-power warning dose and the accumulated dose and other parameters. We are constantly working to improve the application and we reserve the right to add features that improve its performance.

Operational settings that can be changed by means of gestures

The dosimeter allows you to change some of the settings quickly, without using the application, using the definition of its position in space. For these purposes, it is a built-in accelerometer device. See all gestures can be in the short video. Manage gestures can be disabled from the application.

The end of work with the application and the completion of the dosimeter.


The application after the transfer phone or tablet PC in the standby mode continues to run in the background, supporting communication with the dosimeter and sound and vibration signaling in case of exceeding a predetermined level or dose rate cumulative dose.

If the wireless connection is not needed in order to preserve the dosimeter battery power, turn off Bluetooth gesture on the dosimeter.

To disable a dosimeter on the application and connect other applications use the function RESCAN. The connection with the current device will be discontinued, and after a few seconds the screen will display a list of available communication devices. One device can be in communication simultaneously with more than one smart phone or tablet computer.

After finishing the work, close the application. Longer periods of use of the device it is recommended to remove the battery from the battery compartment. Keep the monitor in a dry place away from strong heat sources, do not allow moisture to enter the unit. Transportation dosimeter in the manufacturer's packaging is possible in any mode of transport without distance limitations.


The manufacturer's warranty

The manufacturer guarantees availability dosimeter within one year.