Collection of 800 old postcards related to aviation in Portugal.
A representation of almost all Portuguese airlines, 
as well airports, presence in Africa and Portuguese Air Force.

Commercial, civil, and military aviation in Portugal.

The Collection are made of 503 unique postcards related to aviation in Portugal,
and 243 repeated from the postcards related to aviation in Portugal. (total 746 postcards)
Plus 54 unique old postcards from airlines around the world not related to aviation in Portugal.

Not all 503 unique postcards related to aviation in Portugal are represent in the pictures! 
I think the postcards that are in the images are already enough to call your attention.

Collection are in prefect conditions stored and sent it in a plastic folder, 
Plastic separators and dossier included. 
The collection includes hundreds of rare and old postcards, 

This is a very rare occasion to get them all together.
This is part of history, impossible to reproduce
and its value will always increase.

Collection Included 746 postcards of:

Collection also Included 54 postcards of: