Marquis & Lieberman Tester - Australia Pill Testing

Roughly 100 tests depending on how generous you are with the dropper, you only need a tiny amount of reagent and substance to see a colour change.


- Marquis Reagent

- Lieberman Reagent

- Colour Charts


1. Crush up a small amount of the substance you wish to test (the size of a few grains of salt)

2. Add 1 drop of reagent to the powdered substance

3. Obverse colour change over a 60 second period and compare to chart to match substance.

Reagent contains a strong acid, please were appropriate PPE when handling (gloves and glasses)

Best stored in the fridge, will last at least 12 months, however it's best practice to test a known substance to confirm the reagent has not degraded after a period of storage.

This kit is a presumptive test, it is designed to identify whether or not a substance is present. If you get a colour change that is not what you're expecting, please do not consume the substance.

Please note, there is no safe level of substance use, please seek emergency medical advice if you have an unexpected reaction to a substance.