This is a moroccan tagine Pot.  

A tagine is a conical earthenware pot and the dish prepared in the tagine pot shares the same name as it’s cooking vessel. So tagine is a dish and also a cooking pot. Historically, the nomads in North Africa used the tagine pot as a “portable oven”, allowing them to prepare food at anytime while moving around.

The base of the tagine is wide and shallow; its cover has a conical shape and creates a seal on the base. Together, the two pieces make a kind of clay oven that was traditionally placed on an open fire for cooking.

While the food is being cooked, steam rises into the cone, condenses and then falls back down into the dish. This cooking method is similar to all the dutch ovens’ method (also known as casserole, french oven and cocotte.), it allows to naturally and continuously baste the dish and to keep the ingredients moist and the meat buttery.