Breaking Free of Bonkers: How to Lead in Todays Crazy World of Organizations.

von Binney, George, Philip Glanfield and Gerhard Wilke:

Binney, George, Philip Glanfield and Gerhard Wilke:
Verlag / Jahr
Nicholas Brealey, 2017.
Format / Einband
Hardcover with dust jacket. 280 p.: Ill.
ca. 516 g
Neues Exemplar/ New copy. - No matter what industry, sector or institution, the world of work and business can often seem crazy. We spend so much time ticking boxes, filling in forms and reports, catching up on emails, talking about unreal plans and targets, re-structuring, sitting in unproductive meetings and trying to deliver on misconceived top-down initiatives that the time to do real work is squeezed out. Breaking Free of Bonkers shows you how it is possible to achieve your goals despite the mad and messy world of today’s organizations. Against the odds, it is possible to lead effectively. George Binney, Philip Glanfield and Gerhard Wilke are three experienced organization consultants from Ashridge Business School. In this candid and reassuring book they use a wealth of lively examples and illustrations to show you how to connect with others, value your experience and trust your intuition in order to lead in your organization. The authors are organization consultants with the business school at Ashridge. They have an unusual vantage point. They work with individuals and teams at all levels, in many different companies and organizations across Europe, and know the inside story of what it feels like to lead and manage. GEORGE BINNEY is an experienced coach and consultant who for many years has worked with chief executives and senior teams. He studied history before becoming a barrister, a McKinsey consultant and a manager in large corporates. He specialises in supporting senior doctors, scientists, lawyers and other professionals who now lead organizations. PHILIP GLANFIELC coaches and consults to individuals, teams and organizations by focussing on the conversations that shape their leadership and impact. He studied theology and worked as a probation officer and as a senior manager in the NHS before consulting. He led the team that won the European EFMQ award for organization development in 2015. GERHARD WILKE is an anthropologist and group analyst who over the last three decades has worked in the UK, Germany, Denmark and Switzerland. He specialises in the psychological factors that help and hinder individuals, teams and organizations. In 2016 he was made an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners. ISBN 9781473669079
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Breaking Free of Bonkers: How to Lead in Todays Crazy World of Organizations.

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