The Transmission of Culture in Early Modern Europe.

von Grafton, Anthony and Ann Blair (Eds.):

Grafton, Anthony and Ann Blair (Eds.):
Verlag / Jahr
University of Pennsylvania Press; Philadelphia, 1990.
Format / Einband
Originalleinen mit illustr. Schutzumschlag. 326 Seiten; graph. Darst.; 23,5 cm.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Exemplar; der illustr. Umschlag stw. berieben u. m. kl. Läsuren. - Englisch. - The eight essays in this volume focus on the processes by which culture is transmitted from one generation or group to another and on the implications of those processes for historiography in general. Some essays draw on the tradition of such earlier scholars as Aby Warburg, who encouraged a scholarly interest in the transmission of texts, images, and ideas — especially those of the ancients as they were adapted in medieval and early modern times. Others extend this approach to the passage of ideas across barriers of class and culture in a single period to the communication of nonverbal forms of behavior like fighting, or to the ways in which unexpected sectors of a culture — like its laws — act as media to convey a wide set of ideas about individuals and society. The scope of this collection ranges from Anthony Grafton's essay on the fifteenth-century forger Annius of Viterbo, which shows how a little-known figure influenced Renaissance humanists' establishment of a canon of classic texts and thereby altered substantially the course of modern historiography, to Lawrence Stone's essay, which demonstrates how the growth and abandonment of one method of obtaining divorce in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century England can serve as a key to changes in basic cultural values. ... (Verlagstext) / INHALT : Acknowledgments ---- Introduction: Notes from Underground on Cultural Transmission Anthony Grafton ---- 1. Invention of Traditions and Traditions of Invention in Renaissance Europe: The Strange Case of Annius of Viterbo Anthony Grafton ---- 2. Inventing Rudolph Agricola: Cultural Transmission, Renaissance Dialectic, and the Emerging Humanities Lisajardine ---- 3. Cortes, Signs, and the Conquest of Mexico Inga Ckndinnen ---- 4. "Second Nature": The Idea of Custom in European Law, Society, and Culture Donald R. Kelley ---- 5. The Making of a Political Paradigm: The Ottoman State and Oriental Despotism Lucette Valensi ---- 6. Civic Chivalry and the English Civil War William Hunt ---- 7. Theology and Atheism in Early Modern France ---- Alan Charles Kors ---- 8. Honor, Morals, Religion, and the Law: The Action for Criminal Conversation in England, 1670-1857 Lawrence Stone ---- Contributors ---- Index. ISBN 0812281918
Kulturwissenschaft; Europa; Geschichte; Religion; Philosophie; Politik; Renaissance; Kulturgeschichte
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The Transmission of Culture in Early Modern Europe.

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