von Browning, Iain:

Browning, Iain:
Third edition - Reprint from 1973.
Verlag / Jahr
London: Chatto & Windus., 1994.
Format / Einband
Broschiert / Paperback. 256 Seiten / p., s/w. Abb., Beilage
ca. 550 g
‘A rose-red city half as old as Time’, Petra was already a legend when Dean Burgon immortalised it with these celebrated words. Today many of its secrets have been revealed, yet the romance persists. Why? Is it the dramatic approach down a deep mountain chasm? Or perhaps the sight of a vanished city abandoned for centuries of silence? Or is it the bizarre ‘tombs’ carved into the glowing colours of the mountain walls which cast this spell of mystery? Petra is like no other city: its fascination lies not in an ancient history or a spectacular setting, not in a wealth of magnificent carved façades, but in their unique and accidental combination. -- Iain Browning’s book, now in its third edition, is the first to do full justice to Petra. It presents not only the story of the city and its peoples but also an exceptionally clear account of its monuments and scenic splendours, and the exciting discoveries made in recent archaeological excavations. Illustrated throughout with photographs, drawings, maps and architectural reconstructions, it offers general readers and archaeologists alike an up-to-date and fascinating introduction to perhaps the most remarkable city of the ancient world. ISBN 9780701134464
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