Sega 32X Auto Hertz Switchless Region Mod Kit

Mod Kit Includes



The 32X Auto Hertz Switchless Region Mod will force the 32X into the same region as any attached Mega Drive rendering it completely region free and able to run in both 50Hz and 60Hz video refresh rates for full screen and full speed gaming.

This is achieved by using a programmable chip that reads signals sent from the Mega Drive via the cartridge port to adapt the 32X video rate accordingly.

It really has the most benefit when combined with a region modded Mega Drive, however this is not required. The 32X will happily sync to the video rate of any attached Mega Drive.

If you have a 60Hz modded Mega Drive, this 32X mod is necessary to sync the video signals of the 32X and Mega Drive.

No special cables are required or the mono audio line from the Mega Drive output socket to control the 32X.

Three versions available because I am indecisive and a little bit obsessive. Take your pick.

Quick Install Notes

To install the QSB versions some 32X motherboard test points will need cleaning of solder for the mod board to lay flat. This is achievable with some solder braid and flux.

Install Guides

Please visit the main site for a comprehensive collection of install guides for classic gaming systems.